Friday, 13 November 2009

Sunny November

That's right it is a sunny November, if you live in Australia. If you live in Brighton, then it's not so there's no point getting all moribund about these things. Today is Friday, and should be the gardening group but it rained and rained and rained and rained and rained and even the ladies weren't brave enough to venture out until the rain had subsided. 

So while it's still raining, here's a brief intermission provided by someone who was loving everybody being stuck indoors this morning.

It can only be the one and only...

Aniseed of course. 

'Now who's lap shall l sit in next?"

"ah here's one!"

and here's another....   Hang on wasn't that Cotinus in the plant ident last week as well?

"Ladies what do they know... i'm off to sleep to dream about mice and power tools. "

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